I work at a college with Millenials. I often wonder, like any older person, “what is wrong with this generation?” That of course is what my parents and grandparents said about my generation. Each generation leaves something out that our elders thought was important. So, I am in good company here when I say I know one thing I wish these young people would keep: gratitude.
I don’t mean that this whole generation is ungrateful, not at all. And I do not mean blind, underserved gratitude meant to placate others. No, I mean real gratitude, like we read in the Psalms. Like I hear when I am at my beloved Abbey of Gethsemani and the monks are chanting the Psalms. That sort of gratitude for all that we are given.
And, I am no better. I pray and worship daily, but how often is there nothing but praise and gratitude coming out of my mouth and heart? Not often enough. Merton talked about the Psalms as the great example of how we emotionally relate to God. As I read today, what others said about the Psalms, it was a great point to be made that even in those Psalms that express deep pain and lamentation, they end in the Praise of God and gratitude for all that has been given.
I read the Psalms daily and yet I do not express such gratitude. I have a dear friend from way back in high school days and she just learned she has breast cancer. I am praying for her daily. But I have not been praising for her. I have not been grateful for knowing her and the life she has lived. That changes today, I will send her a personal message to say, I am grateful for the life you have lived.
And, why am I not more grateful for all that is in the world, all that I have and am? Maybe, if I teach and demonstrate gratefulness to my students, to these Millenials, I will see more of it. I know this old dog can learn new tricks. Maybe young dogs can too. Maybe a life lived in gratitude and praise is a life more worth living. I think I am going to try to be a living psalm, that at the beginning and end of each day, the beginning and end of each class I teach, the beginning and end of each conversation, I will express gratitude for that experience. Any body want to join me in the effort?