The beautiful poem by Robert Frost is often remembered because of the choice of two roads to followed and the poet choosing the road “less traveled by”. This is the part of the poem we hear often. But, that is not the end of the poem, it ends by saying “and that has made all the difference”. That is the part we must not forget, that the road less often taken can make all of the difference.
I have heard and read this poem often. Most even get the title wrong. The title actually is, “The Road Not Taken By”. Read the poem again and view the poet’s thoughts. Both roads are inviting, neither is a “bad” path to take. He even says that he has in mind to come back and take the other one…..but doubts that he will. The beauty of this poem is that it is about more than choices.
The poem is also about following the path we choose with a sense of wonder and expectation. It is also about making our own choices, not following the choices others make for us. That is important because all too often we follow the path of so many others, mostly because we are afraid to be alone. The poem is about that as well, to take a less traveled road is to have faith, to be able to go alone if necessary.
This is the difference for Christian people. The path that most take is the church’s path. It is not a bad path, it is well worn and there is lots of company. Most of us know this path very well, we have taken it. It is safe and familiear.
The other and less traveled path is the contemplative path, the mystical path. This is the one that stops often and is awed by the love of the Creator of the Universe for each of us personally. This path can get very lonely and is not so easy. You see, on this path you have to let go of preconceived notions, old beliefs, and instead open wide to all that The Creator is and all that you can be.
A lot of people will never try that path and it is okay. But, sadly, they will also never know a wider, warmer world filled with mysticism, awe and Joy. And it does make all the difference.