I had just turned 40 and suddenly (it seemed) I just couldn’t see quite as well to read and my eyes were tired and hurting. I went to the doctor and sure enough, presbyopia….old eyes! Ouch, that hurt but with reading glasses and later multi-focal contacts, I can read and type on a computer and my eyes aren’t tired.
We have spiritual “eyes” as well, ones that are often trained to see things a certain way. This training comes from parents and church most often, though friends and mentors also affect how our “eyes” work. The danger of these spiritual “eyes” can be how we focus on what we see. The spiritual glasses we put
There are several examples of Jesus healing the blind throughout the New Testament. I wonder what kind of vision Jesus gave these “new seers”? I am betting it was more than just the ability to physically see. I am betting, well no, I fully believe that the greater healing was of the spiritual “eyes” of each one of them. Perhaps this new vision helped them to see who they really were or who Jesus really was. And perhaps this was the whole point of the healings of the blind, to make them whole, both physical and spiritual vision restored.
What prescription are you using to see the world? Does it see through the lenses of love? Does it help you see that the Kingdom of God is truly among us and within us? Does that prescription (or vision) we use to see spiritually make us more like Christ or less? If it does, you have keen spiritual eyesight. If it doesn’t, perhaps it is time to as the Divine Physician for a new prescription.