I am not a charismatic but I follow a Charism. Actually, you do too whether you realize it or not. For me, it is the Cistercian (Trappist) Charism. Among other things it calls me to simplify my life, observe the Liturgy of Hours, engage in lectio divina, follow the Rule of St. Benedict and to be a part of a spiritual community and serve that community. There is, of course so very much more and if you are interested you can go to monks.org and then click on Lay Cistercians. It is part of our formation to follow the Charism and it is discussed there.
So, what about you? What charism do you follow? I know, you don’t think you do but that cannot be true. We all order and conduct our lives according to something. More than one minister has preached that if you will show me a person’s check book I can show you their God. Where you spend your money shows your charism. Where you spend your time shows your charism. How you view the world and others shows your charism.
I examine my life daily, I review the Charism I am called to follow. It is voluntary but necessary for me. I surely do not get it right every day. So, how are you doing with your charism? Is it showing in your life? In your actions? In how you see others? Maybe it is time for you to write it down. You should put substance to your charism. Put that charism on paper and then read over it. Is it the blueprint you want for the life you live? Is it how you want your children to see you live? Is it how you want your church to see you live? The life of Jesus was a sample blueprint, how does your blueprint stack up to the sample?
Our charism, our blueprint will not be exactly like Jesus’ was because we are not perfect. We build our own house. That is why I dislike WWJD. I am that embodiment of Jesus, hopefully what I do is what Jesus would do. My Cistercian Charism, I believe, is how I go about building my own house. My house does not look like my Lay Cistercian brothers’ and sisters’ homes. You should put your blueprint on paper. It is never too late to build a new “wing on the house” or reinforce the foundation, or add a pool. We all build for life. How sad it is to see well meaning and good people with half finished houses.